May 13, 2009

tahap kebingungan ber++

im late again!!
ish2..xsenonoh sungguh..smalam da le tidor bgn lambat.huhu.x leh jadik..kene segere carik `ubat`nye..

harini jumpe sensei which i should meeting him yesterday..ohoho..teruknye diriku.
actually,we supposed to see him once per week(tuesday) to discuss about our thesis etc..and ako da xjumpe die 2minggu.. last week was the golden week holiday and for the last 2 weeks act we busied with the preparation for our welcome so..its ok la with the last week. but for this week..AGAIN..i wasnt keep the promises.=(
its clearly was my fault..
jadi..kesimpulannye..walau sesibuk mane pn ako..kene jumpe die..HARI SELASE! huhu..


i feel like..mcm2 sgt ako kene wat utk fahamkan thesis yg ako kene tulis nanti..
huuhuhu..HELP ME!!!
ni belom lg masuk mende2 sampingan yg kene gak pk dr skarang...huhu


  1. chill2...tarik napas dalam2...
    as the time goes by, everything should be okey...hehe...

  2. hurm bykkan sbr ye izzah...minna isshodayo^_^
    (hihi...masuk lab jek mesti penin kpala kan=)

    p/s:ayu da lama tukar blog...blela update link=D
